Thursday, July 23, 2009

Scientology And ATandT Racketeering Against Mr. Safe

On July 22nd in Scientology history

Copyright -- or wrong?
July 22, 1999, Janelle Brown, Salon

In June, the Church of Scientology subpoenaed AT&T Corp., invoking the Digital Millennium Copyright Act to demand that it reveal the identity of a WorldNet subscriber who was posting excerpts from "Introduction to Scientology Ethics" on alt.religion.scientology under the pseudonym "Safe." Faced with the law, AT&T quickly ponied up the user information, an act that Steele says "the fourth amendment protects against -- it's a misuse of the civil justice system for ompanies to be [defeating] anonymous speech."

Tags: alt.scientology.war, Bridge Publications, David Miscavige, DMCA, Electronic Frontier Foundation, Helena Kobrin, James Lippard


Scientology goes visiting
July 22, 1999, Enzo Di Matteo, NOW Magazine

From the regular demos in front of the church's Yonge Street offices to the photographing of church members and posting of their mugs on the Internet, Hagglund has been relentless in his attempts to expose the "truth" about the curious practice of Scientology. Behind the scenes, he's been trying to put the kibosh on the church's controversial efforts to win charitable status.

Tags: Al Buttnor, Canada, Gregg Hagglund


Probe opens in disappearance of papers in Scientology case
July 22, 2000, AP, New Haven Register

The dossiers, which disappeared in 1998 from the Justice Ministry, were part of a case opened in 1990 against 16 regional Scientology leaders for alleged fraud, illegal practice of medicine and premeditated violence.

The case stemmed from a complaint by a former Scientologist, Juan Esteban Cordero, who accused the Church of Scientology of "progressive mental conditioning" that led him to spend more than $177,000 on Scientology-related courses.

Tags: France


Exclusive: Weird Science
July 22, 2005, Laurie Hanna,

IT'S the belief system which actor Tom Cruise says has changed his life and made him a better man.

But the controversial Church of Scientology was criticised last week after claims it was preying on people caught up in the London bombings.

Packs of yellow-shirted believers arrived at the scenes of carnage, offering "spiritual healing" to distraught relatives - and #3 booklets titled How To Improve Conditions In Life.

And yesterday 200 "volunteer ministers" were sent out across the capital to talk to people after the latest alerts.

Tags: London, UK, Volunteer Ministers


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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Scientology Death Ship Destroying Tropical Island

Scientology at Sea: Cult Cruise Ship Waste Endangers Tropical Isle Quote:

Freewinds Attacks Bonaire Again

Our last film on the Freewind was 2 years ago May 2007. After the Freewinds being in the spotlight concerning asbestos pollution, here they are again docking on our island of Bonaire.

Understand, we have nothing against the Scientology but they promised us not to dock at our island and dump their wastewater on our land.

Bonaire has its own problems and has no means of receiving wastewater from the outside.

This film will show you that their waste is toxic and is polluting our nature and killing our reefs, polluting our groundwater and killing our island. End of Quote


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